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Run a Local Multi-node Network

This guide describes how to run a local network with multiple validator nodes and validator fullnodes. You will use the Aptos Forge CLI for this.

Use only for test networks

The method described in this guide should be used only for test networks of multi-node local networks. Do not use this guide for deploying in production environments. Currently, this is the only guide for multi-node networks.

For deploying a local network with a single node, see Run a Local Development Network with the CLI.

Before you proceed​

This guide assumes you have done the steps in Building Aptos From Source

Running multiple validators​

To deploy multiple local validators, run:

cargo run -p aptos-forge-cli \
-- \
--suite "run_forever" \
--num-validators 4 test local-swarm

This will start a local network of 4 validators, each running in their own process. The network will run forever unless you manually terminate it.

The terminal output will display the locations of the validator files (for example, the genesis files, logs, node configurations, etc.) and the commands that were run to start each node. The process id (PID) of each node and server addresses (e.g., REST APIs) are also displayed when it starts. For example, if you run the above command you should see:

2022-09-01T15:41:27.228289Z [main] INFO crates/aptos-genesis/src/ Building genesis with 4 validators. Directory of output: "/private/var/folders/dx/c0l2rrkn0656gfx6v5_dy_p80000gn/T/.tmpq9uPMJ"
2022-09-01T15:41:28.090606Z [main] INFO testsuite/forge/src/backend/local/ The root (or mint) key for the swarm is: 0xf9f...
2022-09-01T15:41:28.094800Z [main] INFO testsuite/forge/src/backend/local/ Started node 0 (PID: 78939) with command: ".../aptos-core/target/debug/aptos-node" "-f" "/private/var/folders/dx/c0l2rrkn0656gfx6v5_dy_p80000gn/T/.tmpq9uPMJ/0/node.yaml"
2022-09-01T15:41:28.094825Z [main] INFO testsuite/forge/src/backend/local/ Node 0: REST API is listening at:
2022-09-01T15:41:28.094838Z [main] INFO testsuite/forge/src/backend/local/ Node 0: Inspection service is listening at

Using the information from this output, you can stop a single node and restart it. For example, to stop and restart the node 0, execute the below commands:

kill -9 <Node 0 PID>
cargo run -p aptos-node \
-- \
-f <Location to the node 0 configuration file displayed above>

Faucet and minting​

In order to mint coins in this test network you need to run a faucet. You can do that with this command:

cargo run -p aptos-faucet-service -- run-simple --key <key> --node-url <node_url>

You can get the values above like this:

  • key: When you started the swarm, there was output like this: The root (or mint) key for the swarm is: 0xf9f.... This is the key.
  • node_url: When you started the swarm, there was output like this: REST API is listening at: This is the node_url.

The above command will run a faucet locally, listening on port 8081. Using this faucet, you can then mint tokens to your test accounts, for example:

curl -X POST<amount to mint>&pub_key=<public key to mint tokens to>

As an alternative to using the faucet service, you may use the faucet CLI directly:

cargo run -p aptos-faucet-cli -- --amount 10 --accounts <account_address> --key <private_key>
Faucet and Aptos CLI

See more on how the faucet works in the README.

Also see how to use the Aptos CLI with an existing faucet.

Validator fullnodes​

To also run validator fullnodes inside the network, use the --num-validator-fullnodes flag. For example:

cargo run -p aptos-forge-cli \
-- \
--suite "run_forever" \
--num-validators 3 \
--num-validator-fullnodes 1 test local-swarm

Additional usage​

To see all tool usage options, run:

cargo run -p aptos-forge-cli --help